Friday, January 29, 2010

Lunch Notes

Nana recently gave me a sample pack of some commercially-made lunchbox notes -- little cards full of jokes and trivia to drop into your kid's lunchbox. They were very cool and Boylee loved them, so I almost bought a full package...but then I realized I could just make my own:

I googled and found lots of kid-style jokes, and then added a few notes of my own. I made a bunch at once, and have been dropping one into Boylee's lunchbox each day. They're very ephemeral -- they come home covered in food and get dropped into the trash, to be replaced with a new one the next day.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Quote of the Day

Mama, who is sick: I'm not going to play with you right now. You play, and I'll sit here and watch you.

Boylee: You make your own choices. That's okay, girl.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rainy Day Schedule

Boylee is watching TV. This is interesting because since he got the Wii for Christmas, he has not watched TV. Not once, not even for a moment. And since it's raining and gloomy, I'm guessing he's going to get to watch a lot of it.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We Used To Call Her "Skittles So Littles"

To compare, here she was in September:

She doesn't fit in that blue dish at all any more. She used to try to sort of cram herself in, but she recently gave that up. It just wasn't working.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Know This Is A Little Weird, But...

These are some of Skittles' baby teeth.

I've had cats for a long time, but I never knew until now that they lose their baby teeth. The teeth are so small they're apparently usually swallowed or just lost, but sweet little Skittles has managed to leave these four in spots that made them easy to find. Guess our little girl is growing up!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Back At It!

Today Boylee went back to his gymnastics class for the first time since breaking his arm at the beginning of October. He was nervous about the whole thing, and when we first went in, he quietly sat down with me. Then about five minutes later, his instructor saw him and screamed out, "Boylee!" from the other side of the gym. Boylee went running to her, she gave him a giant hug, and everything from there on was great. He was back to his old level in no time -- the teacher was giving him extra assignments by the time the class was half over, and a parent turned and asked me how long he'd been doing gymnastics. That boy is just very, very good at it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Relationship is Hard to Explain

Baby Laila is Boylee's step-aunts' cousin's kid. She is 1/4 Swiss, 1/4 American and 1/2 Mexican. She speaks English, Spanish and French -- but only a little of each. We just call her "cousin" to keep things simple.

Monday, January 4, 2010

No Comment

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Reality Sets In

School starts again tomorrow. That means: getting up early, being in school all day, having to do reading homework, piano practice, and only then a little time on the Wii. Poor Boylee, that's quite a change from our very, very relaxed winter break.