Monday, June 25, 2012

Last Day of School

On the last day of school, Boylee and his fellow 3rd graders welcomed all of the 2nd grades to give them a preview of what next year will be like for them.  The teacher snapped this photo -- I think they're supposed to be presenting a timeline of our city's history.  Not sure how seriously they took this task, but I acknowledge that it's hard to concentrate on the last day of school.  

The boys, from left:  Julien, Olaf, Julian, Boylee and Lion.  What an assortment of names!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Boylee's New Favorite Movie

What can I say?  The kid loves a good musical.  And it prompted a nice conversation on the difference between integration and segregation.

He loved Zac Efron in this, too, but he told me he has zero interest in High School Musical.  Not ready for that teenager stuff yet, I guess.

Friday, June 15, 2012

An Interpretive Dance

It's about the L.A. River.  And I guess they were told to dress in green, though Boylee missed that instruction (possibly when he was in China).  Luckily the orange warm-up makes him easy to see.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Few More


I complimented Boylee on his new, Chinese-style hat. 
He said, "No, that's a New York-style hat."  ?!?

The hotel in Yunnan Province.  I saw the interior when we Skype'd and it seemed 
warm and cozy, with dark wood and a roaring fireplace.  

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Big Boy Bedroom

Boylee gets back from China today...and hopefully he'll love what I've done to his bedroom.  I guess I should have taken some "before" pictures, but here's what it looks like now:

New comforter cover, new pillows, new whiteboard, framed drawings by Nickelodeon illustrators, and there's his Hogarts crest to top it all off.

New lamp to replace the babyish old nursery lamp.

Same old desk, reorganized and topped with new bulletin boards, folders and pen holders.

A closer look at his desk, where he now actually has room to sit and work.

His dresser, cleaned out and reorganized.  All the games moved to the living room, so now there's room for other things.

Bookshelf - still jam-packed full of books...but lots moved on to other families or to his baby box.

And the beautiful 4ft x 4ft white board.  At the office supply store it would cost way more than $100.  At the hardware store a sheet of melamine twice this big costs about $20, plus another buck or two for them to cut it in half.  We still have the other half for future use.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Caught in a rainstorm while rafting on the Yangtzee.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hiking in Yunnan Province.

Hotel in Beijing.

Happy after conquering a "chinese-style" bathroom.

Forbidden City

Tibetan cliff village.

Friday, June 1, 2012