...for one more week of science camp. So, this week:
Mission: to bust or affirm some science myths and uncover the cool truth! You’ll receive a new crazy myth to test each day, You will discover and dissect science oddities like air-powered cannons, crazy catapult chuckers, electric lightening you can hold in your hand and more. Things are going to get crazy, our crash test dummy is ready.. are you?
After lunch, join the Extreme Team and dig into your Pop-Sci Inventor Box, feel the power of your beating heart, make a bubble as big as you, turn your room into a lazer light rock party. In this awesome program, you’ll not just invent, but create a commercial to sell your wacky, wild, or brilliant idea to the whole camp! Who knows? You might have the best invention yet!
Science Concepts Include: magnetism, human anatomy, electric circuits, light & lenses, sound vibration, air is matter, air pressure, cardinal directions, compass and more!
We finally tested our homemade brick press today. The design of the press
we found on the internet from Leland Hite’s website: Hands-on Engineering.
Our pr...