Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of 5th Grade!

Highs and lows...

Friday, August 2, 2013

Last Day

So sad and tragic that our stay has come to an end.  Boylee had probably his most fun camp experience ever over these last four weeks.  He loved his counselors, loved almost every activity, and even got sanguine about the repeated visits to his formerly least-favorite place ever, Kent Island.  (I caught him kayaking at the tail end of one visit and he looked to be having fun.)  He caught up with old friends Mark and Rian, and, from what I hear, did parkour at every possible moment, including performing at the talent show, which earned him a round of applause and a request to "Do it again!"  Other fun experiences included cavorting (and jumping off high rocks) at a local swimming hole, visiting his favorite neighborhood farm, and painting the bridge into town, where this year's mural (ocean creatures) faces the mural they made last year (indigenous birds).

Like last year, camp closed with a wedding -- because two of the instructors are getting married for real in the fall.  There was music and cupcakes, and the kids were encouraged to dress up.  Being visitors, we lacked creative choices in Boylee's closet...but luckily camp had a big dress-up pile to choose from.

Next week:  parkour camp back home!