Thursday, September 24, 2009

The NEW New School

Boylee's charter school is in temporary space right now. They will be moving into a fabulous, permanent space soon. Maybe January? Maybe March? Their goal is to be in before the end of this school year so they can get a sense of how the new space works, and iron out any kinks over the summer break.

It's a very interesting space -- from the outside it looks like a normal, dull office park building. But inside...


Nona said...


Anonymous said...

Why can't little Boylee and is pals move in sooner?? It looks kind of done...
brother bo

julie g. said...

City permitting issues re: stuff that's not up to code for it to be a school. And some other interior build-out stuff.

Anonymous said...

That's a huge space... it looks good now, and I'm sure it's going to look even better once it's finished.