Saturday, October 10, 2009

What Happened Was

Around 10am, Boylee was running during P.E. and a friend somehow accidentally tripped him. He fell onto his back, with his arm somehow twisting underneath him.  His arm hurt right away, and the P.E. teacher gave him a basic check -- he could wiggle his fingers, he could move his arm, and he could give the teacher a high five.  So they gave him an ice pack and contacted us.

Here's where the total fail starts:  They called our house, got the answering machine, but didn't leave a message.  They called my cell, got my voicemail, but didn't leave a message.  They called Scott's cell, got voicemail and did leave a message.  Then they sent a text to Scott's phone.  But Scott  has been working nights and was asleep, his phone tucked away somewhere.  And I was oblivious, since no one had left a message on my cell or the home phone.  

Scott woke up a few hours later and first saw the text.   I called the school, totally outraged, but at that point they all thought Boylee was basically fine.  But they did call him to the office, and when I asked him if he wanted to stay at school or be picked up he asked to be picked up.   But when we got home, he was crying about his arm and it seemed more than just a boo-boo.  Coincidentally, we had an appointment to get his H1N1 vaccine, so we went off to the doctor...and the receptionist took one look at him and said, "His arm is broken!"  She was right. 

Luckily the orthopedist is right across the street from the pediatrician, and they fit us in right away, and that was that.  But I'm still ticked off at the school for not leaving more messages for us.  I mean, if they're going to take the time to call all the numbers, it only takes 30 seconds more to leave a message!


Laura said...

This story gives me chills. the lack of common sense is frightening. What the heck were they thinking? Glad he is okay and hopefully not too traumatized!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the school officials will feel like complete idiots when Boylee shows up to school on Monday with a cast on is arm. I also think a strong letter to the school officials or a good talking to is in order. Totally unacceptable action on their part. We hope Boylee is doing okay. Hang in there champ!