Saturday, November 7, 2009

What We Did On Friday

1st Grade Field Trip!

First we walked to the tiny park right next door to school and had snack.

Then we walked past the post office and looked at it. Then we walked to the library, met the librarian, and talked about libraries. All the kids got a real library card and got to choose one book to check out. I was in charge of keeping an eye on Boylee and two other boys, and they were all very into the books they 'd selected.

Then we went to the YMCA and had a tour.

The highlights according to Boylee: the YMCA pool, playing in the racquetball court, and the library. The highlights according to Mama: the reactions of the various people we met along the way as we tromped 60+ kids through some very, very funky streets.


Laura said...

OMG I love his pants!

Anonymous said...

That Boylee has the fastest growing hair I've ever seen. And those are one pair of snazzy looking pants. Hope you take photos of the cast coming off.

julie g. said...

Luckily Boylee and I have similar tastes in fabric, so whenever I bring home a yard of something to make pants, he invariably says, "great!"