Friday, January 29, 2010

Lunch Notes

Nana recently gave me a sample pack of some commercially-made lunchbox notes -- little cards full of jokes and trivia to drop into your kid's lunchbox. They were very cool and Boylee loved them, so I almost bought a full package...but then I realized I could just make my own:

I googled and found lots of kid-style jokes, and then added a few notes of my own. I made a bunch at once, and have been dropping one into Boylee's lunchbox each day. They're very ephemeral -- they come home covered in food and get dropped into the trash, to be replaced with a new one the next day.


Anonymous said...

so cute! where did you get the cards?

julie g. said...

From Michaels!

zoe said...

My dad used to clip the Calvin & Hobbes strip from the paper and put those in my lunch. Or he would do silly things like label all my food with post-its, e.g. "banana" "sandwich" etc. Or he would draw a picture on my napkin. This was all in highschool. He made my lunch every day til I graduated from grade 13!

julie g. said...

I'm gonna copy some of your dad's moves.