Tuesday, October 19, 2010


What happened was...Boylee was at gymnastics, and he was doing a flip into the foam pit. The foam pit is a pit filled with foam blocks, so kids can jump and flip and handspring into there without getting hurt. And somehow a foam block connected with his eye while his eye was open, and gave him a mighty scrape.

Boylee ran past me, saying, "I got foam in my eye," and I thought that two minutes later he'd be flipping into the foam pit again. But ten minutes later I still couldn't even get him to open his eye more than a tiny crack. And after a quick consultation with cousin Babi (the pediatrician) we went to the ER.

(not his eye)

Luckily the ER was almost empty. When I did the registration, the lady said, "Has he been here before?" I said, "Well, he was born here." And she looked him up in the records. She didn't find him under his current name. She found him under Baby Boy MyLastName. So sweet! (She updated his record, though, so that one's gone forever.)

They took us right in, and Boylee handled it all quite well. As soon as they got some numbing drops into his eye his spirits perked right up. And they put dye in, and looked at his eye with a special light...and the upshot is that he got a little abrasion but nothing too serious. They did give us antibiotic ointment just as a precaution.

Boylee was brave throughout, and just now when I was putting him to bed he asked what his prize would be, for all that bravery. Oy vey!

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