Friday, December 10, 2010

About the Pants

They grey ones are a little long, and the green and blue ones are as short as the ones he's just grown out of! What happened??? But while I was wondering, Boylee got quite offended -- he LOVES the length of the green and blue ones, DETESTS the length of the grey ones and was entirely pissed that I was even mentioning the subject. Okay, case closed! He has always been happy wearing highwater pants and in fact has about zero interest in fashion of any kind. He is more concerned that the pants are soft and comfortable and allow lots of movement. So, a success.


Nana said...

Ah, a chip off the old Nana block!
As Gilda Radner said, "I base my fashion sense on what doesn't itch."

Nona said...

It's capri-length. Very island style. Lucca loves that too -- it's surfer, casual Cali wear!