Friday, August 17, 2012

Art Camp

When we got back to town we did one week of a fabulous art camp, run by two staff members of our school.  The week's theme was sculpture.

The camp venue is a quiet spot in Griffith Park, so the kids are outdoors all day.  And it was HOT.

This sculpture they built collectively over a few days.

A hike in the early part of the day, before the real heat set in.

Book sculpture project.

Boylee with his.  It has a thread at the top so it can be hung up.

Running through a sprinkler!  Relief!

The instructors dismembered a big pile of stuffed animals, and then the kids mixed & matched various pieces, and sewed them together to create a unique animal of their own design.

They also made some small clay sculptures...and spent a lot of time spritzing either other with water bottles.  Boylee came home every day filthy - which generally means he had a great time!

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