Saturday, February 28, 2009

Big Balls!

Aunt Laura has a friend who works on the hilarious ABC show Wipeout. So today, Boylee, Daddy and I got to go out to the set and watch them shoot. It was so fabulous! We saw the contestants try to jump across the big balls! We saw people fall into the mud! We saw people fall into the water! We saw people fall off pedestals! In general, we saw a lot of falling! And as funny as it is on TV, it was even funnier in real life.

(That's a stock photo, not one from the shoot today.)

Boylee laughed and laughed, and I did too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time we go to LA, we're hoping we can work some "friend of friend of sister" mojo so we can go to a taping of that show. It IS hilarious and my stepson would surely laugh and laugh as well.