Thursday, February 5, 2009

Not About Boylee

I can't think of anything to say about Boylee today, so here's something different.

Have you heard about the funny things Google has captured on film while making their street view maps? Here's an example.

Well the other day I was googling around and look what I found... if you go to and put in our home address ...and then you click on street view... and then you navigate along the street in front of our's what you see.

Yep, that's our garage opening.

Yep, that's someone going up our front stairs.

Yep, that's me. (Click on it to get a larger look.)

Okay, not quite as thrilling as a street fight or someone passed out drunk, but I'm still sort of amazed by it.


Anonymous said...

Hmm... interesting and scary at the same time. Who is that person walking up the steps? Have you swept the house for any listening devices?

Anonymous said...

Definitely Big Brother-ish!