Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yay, Burbank!

The fabulous older kids from the gymnastics school did cartwheels down the street, preceded by the instructors who did amazing flips...but I didn't get a pic.

That's Boylee and Daddy at the back of the truck. (You can click on it for a closer look.)

This is the airport's fire truck, and every few hundred feet it would stop and blast this massive shower of water. Kids would run into the street to get soaked, then the parade would proceed.

I'm sure this would have been Aunt Laura's favorite part.

Sadly, because Boylee was actually riding in the parade, not standing alongside watching, he didn't get to see this highlight.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yes, the dog is my fave part! But I also love the one with them on the back of the truck, that looks like so much fun! Was it awfully hot being Burbank and all?