Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our 2nd Field Trip of the Week

Wow, two field trips in one week! Today we had an amazing day at the Audubon Center at Debs Park. We hiked, birdwatched, sang, weeded, watered plants, had lunch, played, and learned a lot, especially about birds. Here are some of the highlights:

Boylee demonstrating "quiet coyote," which is the center's staff's way of asking the kids to be quiet and focus. His hand is making the coyote shape. The coyote's ears are up, so he is ready to listen, and his mouth is closed, so he's not talking.

When a facilitator asked what plants need, Boylee answered "water," so he got to portray water in a little dramatic scenario. Here he is, feeling excited and getting ready.

Here he is, raining indiscriminately on the plants. The girl in pink is a weed and she was crowding out a tree seed.

Ready to look for birds. We saw several on our walk, including a red tail hawk, some towhees, a scrub jay and some Bewick's wrens. We also had a quiet moment to sit in silence and listen to birds.

And one more from Field Day. Boylee with his medal.

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