Friday, October 2, 2009

Class Schedule

The Open House was interesting. It was also hectic and a little unorganized. Parents who don't follow directions also make things harder. So I did not get all my questions answered. But here is one thing I learned. Boylee's daily schedule:

8:30 - 9:30  Morning routine with morning message, shared and interactive writing, calendar

9:00 - 9:40  Special Arts and PE

9:40 - 10:20  Math

10:20 - 10:40  Word Study

10:40 - 11:00  Recess

11:00 - 11:40  Readers Workshop

11:40 - 12:00  Interactive Writing

12:00 - 12: 45  Writers Workshop

12:45 - 1:20  Lunch

1:20 - 2:00 DWOK (Different Ways of Knowing)

2:00 - 2:15  Closing Activities

2:20  Dismissal

1 comment:

Nana said...

Most impressive...and cultural! And meeting other parents sometimes gives good clues as to what goes on in the classroom.