Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dear L.A. Fitness Universal City

(I'm just putting this here so it's google-able.)

L.A. Fitness Universal City location SUCKS ASS. Today was the third time in four weeks that I've arrived to take a class and found no instructor. The management always says the same thing: "We're trying to contact the instructor." That's it, while 40+ people sit around waiting. The first time I wasn't mad, the second time I was only a little frustrated, and now that it's happened a third time I realize it's because they don't care about anything but selling more and more and more memberships, not servicing the actual customers they already have.


Anonymous said...

How fascinating that they have no back-up plan and no one else who can teach. I'd certainly contact (write to) higher-ups. [maybe even bring a petition next time]

Laura said...

Wow that's NEVER happened at my gym! They have subs and seem to know in advance!