Tuesday, November 2, 2010


In Kindergarten, Boylee had perfect attendance. And it's not that I forced him to go to school while ill -- he just never got sick. At least not on a weekday.

In 1st grade, Boylee missed one day. And that was because of pinkeye. I barely even think that counts as an illness, but there you go.

Now in 2nd grade Boylee is poised to miss his third day. In a row! Poor little guy is feeling pretty awful. On Sunday he was sluggish starting in the middle of trick-or-treating -- I just thought he was tired because we'd had a very busy few days. But that night he woke up with a fever. Though he seemed really perky this morning, he sagged and dragged through the day and now he's feeling just as bad as ever, so no school tomorrow.

We already consulted cousin-in-law Dr. Babi, so we'll keep an eye on things and hopefully he'll be feeling better tomorrow. If it goes a day longer we'll go to our pediatrician.

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