Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dreaming of Sassafras Farm

Suzanne McMinn is one of my favorite people in the world.  (And by that I mean one of my favorite random strangers who I follow on the internet.)

She's a single mom, she's running a farm in West Virginia, she's got cows, goats, chickens and sheep, and she just seems like a real go-getter and all-around nice person.  (And she even grew up in the city!)

She's been running workshops in farm-centric things like cheesemaking and goat-milking for a few years, but always has to do it at a rental site that has a commercial kitchen.  It's been good, but she has to pay to rent that space, plus her participants would really like to see how things are done on the real farm.  So now she's trying to renovate a building on her property to be an official, licensed commercial kitchen where she can hold her workshops, host visitors and more.

She's got a Kickstarter project going and is trying to raise more than $14,000 to make it happen.  And the way Kickstarter works is that people can pledge money to her project, but none of those pledges go through unless the entire amount is raised.   She's almost 50% of the way there and has a little over 20 days to go.  I donated a (small) amount.  Maybe you can, too?  They'll take as little as $1, but if you give $10 or more you can get some presents in return, sort of like an NPR pledge drive.

Let's help Suzanne build her kitchen!

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