Saturday, January 10, 2009

Give me a (Winter) Break

Okay, I think we can all agree that three weeks is too long for school vacation. In the few short months since school started I have gotten awfully spoiled in terms of being able to Get Stuff Done while Boylee is in school. Having him out of school for 23 days in a row has pointed out to me that I've completely forgotten the rhythms of being a full-time mom with a full-time kid.

I have no idea how I'm going to handle the summer but I bet there will be some sort of day camp or organize activity involved.

But I digress. Boylee had homework over this break -- his teacher's philosophy being that since the kids have only been in school for 11 weeks or so, having 3 solid weeks off can really get them out of the learning rhythm. So they had a pile of worksheets to do (1 per day, she instructed, with a plea not to do them all at once). And also a Winter Writing Journal -- Boylee needed to write once every three days and draw an accompanying picture. Here's what he wrote about:

12/22: Today I made a gingerbread house.

12/25: Today I got a Spiderman computer.

12/28: Now we are back at our home. (Having come home from Bolinas.)

1/1: Now are we watching the Rose Parade.

1/4: Tonight we are going to Tatiana's house.

1/8: We are learning to shape balloons. (This involves a balloon twisting kit we got. Lots of fun till it pops in your face.)

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