When Boylee's not in school and I want to go to the gym, he comes and hangs out at the "Kids Klub" (the Ks, I know, are krazy). The main highlight there? VIDEO GAMES! He loves them so much that it's hard to get him to leave when I'm done. It's pretty much a perfect situation.
But today we found out they've taken away the video games and they're not replacing them. This is a big problem. Add to that the fact that today, of the 20 kids at the Klub, 15 seemed to be around two years old and the rest, other than boylee, were three-ish. There's a TV, but it was on some very babyish show. Egad, this is really a big problem. I have no idea how I'm going to get my boot camp, kickboxing, bodywork and cardio in for the next twelve weeks without those freaking video games!!
Scott said, "Should we buy him a DS?" And as much as I wanted to say yes, I had to say no.
We finally tested our homemade brick press today. The design of the press
we found on the internet from Leland Hite’s website: Hands-on Engineering.
Our pr...
Okay... I am behind the pop culture curve... what in the heck is a "DS"?
Why no? Money? If not, then he has a laptop thing at home, and you let him play video games in the gym place, so what's the difference? Just because he has one doesn't mean you can't control and regulate it. DIdn't you have Atari or whatever growing up? We did, and it was very controlled. I read, practiced piano, painted, played outside...and once in awhile I got a treat.
Just my 2 cents, but don't make it into a bigger deal than it is...I remember you having this same convo with me regarding swords:-))
I vote with Nona...you and Scott don't seem to have any problem setting rules, and the Boy seems to accept them graciously.
Remember, the Binky was only for bed. You sometimes asked (when you saw others out and about), and the answer was "are you going to bed?" and that was that.
I just feel like the first electronic handheld game is the first step down a very strange road. I"m not ready for it.
Just bring scott's laptop and some of his superhero cartoons or whatever he's into now.
I don't know what a DS is either...Dosen't sound like it will corupt him...and he can always get some on the street if he really wanted to...
What is it?
How much does it it cost?
I don't exactly know how much it costs...but it's just a step on that slippery slope. Next thing you know it's a Wii, and then after that comes heroin, I'm pretty sure.
What does DS mean?!?
A DS is basically a more modern version of a Game Boy. A handheld gaming system.
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