Monday, August 31, 2009

Something Rare

Boylee woke up...SICK! That is something we haven't dealt with in at least year -- remember, he didn't miss a single day of kindergarten. But this morning he's got a fever. So we're taking it easy and canceling all plans for the day. I did drag him to the video store really quickly just so we could get some new things to watch. With the terrible smoke and heat we haven't done anything outside in days, so he's already watched basically every DVD we have on hand. Oh well, it can't be helped. Hopefully in a day or two he will be better and the air will be better and we will be back to playdates, the pool, and our regular run of the city.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's not the heat or the humidity, it's the smoke

I didn't take this pic, but this is basically what we've been looking at for the last several days. The air quality is horrible, but we're grateful we're not in any of the danger zones.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I Am Dreading The AC Bill

But it can't be helped: it's 7pm and it's 97 degrees. And it's been like this for days.

Friday, August 28, 2009

What I Sewed Today

A sewing machine cozy! I have a new set-up in the den -- where I used to only have a desk, now I have a desk and a sewing table. So now I get to leave my sewing machine out all the time. I hope that this will enable me to sew more, since I will no longer have to drag everything in and out of cardboard boxes in my closet. But this is a dusty household, so...voila!

But it was so hot today that I did the entire thing with no ironing. A sewing purist would not approve of the finished product, but my motto is "A Crooked Seam is a Happy Seam." However I will say in my own defense that the lump in the upper right top is not my uneven sewing, it's the large spool of thread on the top of the machine.

How Hot Is It?

Too hot, I tell you.

Hot enough that when Boylee picked out a SpongeBob DVD at the library this morning, and I saw that it has 16 episodes, all I could think of was, "Great!" I'm pretty sure I'm going to let him watch them all.

Next week I'll update more about Boylee's new school.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another POV

We have a neighborhood email list, and someone posted this today:

About noon today, as I was sitting at my kitchen table, my little dog 'flew' out of her doggie door, barking like mad. I looked up and saw some ears through the ivy on the outside of my fence. I thought it was a coyote - then it came right down close to the fence and grabbed at something in the heave grass. As I watched in horror, the coyote ran up the steep hill with a small black & white "tuxedo" kitty in it's mouth. The cat wasn't moving. I hope it had died quickly.

Monday, August 24, 2009

R.I.P. Boo

A coyote got him today, in the late morning. A neighbor saw it happen, and managed to scare the coyote enough that it dropped Boo. But it was too late.

We've lived here almost 15 years, and I never worried about coyotes during the day. I guess I should start to now. I feel horrible about Boo, and Boylee was beside himself. He chose to look at the corpse, before we took Boo to the vet's office so they can give him to the crematorium.

At a certain basic level I also feel badly for the coyote. They're only out during the day if they're really hungry. And since it killed Boo, it might as well have eaten him.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dog Days

We're kinda dragging, these last few days of summer. School doesn't start till September 10th, but on Wednesday there's a kindergarten orientation -- and since we've switched Boylee to a new school (an arts charter) we are going to go to that orientation...even though he's obviously not gonna be in kinder.

Other highlights of the week ahead: a trip to Ikea (Boylee plays in the kids area while I return a lamp); visit to the science center with Nana; a couple of a playdates...and certainly a swim or two.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Foiled! Then Rescued!

Boylee and I went to Target to find a lunchbox...and discovered that it is way, way too late to buy a lunchbox. The huge section of shelving had about ten lunchboxes left, and none in any pattern or design that would appeal to a six-year-old boy.

So we went back to last year's supplier: It wasn't nearly as much fun for Boylee -- he'd rather look at everything in person, not just see pictures on a computer screen. But he finally made his choice: Pirates of the Caribbean insulated lunchbox, and a Spongebob Sigg water bottle. I insisted on a Sigg bottle because they're non-toxic and they hold up really, really well. Boylee's bottle last year was destroyed at the very end of the school year, but before that it had been dropped a million times and really beat up a lot. (We're still using it for cold water in our fridge, but I'm afraid it can't hold up to another year at school. )

He is happy. Now all I have to do is find some non-toxic food containers to go inside and we're all set.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Boylee's Quote of the Day

"I am a duckling. A ninja duckling."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Clarification

It's not so much the lunch box that I'm looking for -- we have plenty of bags and boxes to use. (Though Boylee's lunch box from last year was basically destroyed by the end of the year.) It's the containers inside that I'm really looking for. We have plenty of small plastic containers, and baggies of course, but I want to make sure his food is stored in something that's clean and healthy for him -- without leaching contaminants. And I don't want to create so much baggie trash over the course of the school year. It's five meals a week for 3/4s of the the trash adds up, and I'm guessing the plastic stuff touching his food adds up. So that's why.

Getting Ready

Boylee needs a new lunchbox for next year, and I'd like it to be as green as possible, so I went searching for some possibilities.

I liked this one, but Boylee didn't:

And I'd heard about this one and went to see it at a local store:

But the problem with that one is that the lids on those stainless steel containers are really, really hard to get off. I could hardly do it and I know Boylee would have trouble with them.

So the search continues.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So Glad I'm Not There Right Now

One of my girlfriends lives next door to Laura Ling!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Today at Boylee's camp I asked an African-American boy where he goes to school. His answer: Beth Hillel. Yay, L.A.!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Work Work Work

Just finished my freelance job: almost 60 hours in 14 days. Not too shabby for a full-time mom whose kid is only in camp three days a week!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How Hot Was July?

Hot enough that our DWP bill was almost $600. That includes June, but I'm pinning all the blame on July's heat wave.