Our school's big party/fundraiser/silent auction was last week. The theme was Warhol/The Factory, and each class had to create an art project to be auctioned that night. Here's what some arty parents helped our kids do. It took me a good long while to figure out which one is Boylee.
I say... third row from the top, and second from the left.
We finally tested our homemade brick press today. The design of the press
we found on the internet from Leland Hite’s website: Hands-on Engineering.
Our pr...
Sorry I've been away for so long. All is well, just finished producing a
truck commercial in Barrow, which was fun. The medium-length indie film I
cd "$( dirname "$0" )"
java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar -o true
This is the code used to make a minecraft server of your own!
I say... third row from the top, and second from the left.
Yeah...third row-second kid.
Yes, you're right. But did it take you as long as it did me?
l-o-n-g time
(only when i read K's)
latrobsNoni figured it out in two secs!
As she says, she can't remember a name if her life depended on it, but her visual acuity is still functioning!
(forget "latrobs" word verification)
It took me about a minute.
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