Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Second Session

Today was the start of the camp's second (and final) session. Boylee had been in group 2 with younger kids, in order to be with his pal, Mark, who is seven. But since Mark's gone, Boylee was going to switch to the age-appropriate group, group 3. However, when we showed up this morning it turned out that group had about ten girls and not a single other boy. I knew Boylee would deal with it, and one of the two counselors was male, but I just made a spur of the moment decision to have him switched to an even older group. So now he's in group 4, with mostly 9-and 10-year-olds. It's still mostly girls, but there are two or three boys.

This sudden switching also meant we had to do some sudden searching for a bicycle for Boylee to use tomorrow: Group 4 is going to a state park for some biking. Luckily we found one.

CONFIDENTIAL TO THE TRANSPORTATION DEPT: Maybe for Chanukah we need a kid-sized family bike to be permanently stationed here in Bolinas. Boylee can use it now and his little cousin can use it when he gets bigger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noted by transpo dept