Today we went to the Pt. Reyes National Seashore and took an easy, ranger-led hike along the Earthquake Trail. We dared to walk along the San Andreas Fault and learned lots of fun facts about earthquakes. We already knew that Bolinas is not on the same plate as Stinson, and here is Boylee demonstrating:
He's got one foot on the Pacific Plate and one on the North American Plate. The (left side of the pic) Pacific Plate is moving northwards and the North American Plate is basically standing still, so if he stood here long enough crazy things would happen. We also learned cool things about the different rocks and vegetation on the two plates -- for instance, the Coastal Redwoods that are so abundant in this region? They only grow on the North American Plate where the soil has certain elements they need. And there are some pine trees that only grow on the Pacific side. Verrry interesting, eh?
The hike was a little too easy and slow-paced for Boylee, but we hung in there. After about an hour we detached from the group and returned to our car for the quick ride home. But before that, he had selected two wands for us from the abundance to be found on the forest floor. And at one point when we were walking, the ranger said, "I don't think there are any Dementors out here." A Harry Potter fan! Yay!
We finally tested our homemade brick press today. The design of the press
we found on the internet from Leland Hite’s website: Hands-on Engineering.
Our pr...
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