Daddy was dressed inappropriately -- in shorts and sandals. Boylee wasn't dressed too warmly, but I did manage to rummage around in his suitcase and find some warm clothes that I'd packed in anticipation of Bolinas.

I had jeans and a sweater on, but I got cold quickly and didn't feel like rummaging around my own suitcase, so I sought the shelter of the car. Then the boys attacked!

Even Boylee got cold after about 20 minutes, so the next time we visit snow we need to be better prepared. But he couldn't have been happier -- we might just have been at a rest stop off a busy highway, but Boylee was satisfied and hasn't made any further threats to kill himself.
Geez... in another year or two Boylee is going to be as tall as Daddy!
And what a handsome hat!
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