Friday, July 16, 2010

The Overnight

(He went in a canoe.)

Apparently he got very, very homesick around 10pm, but when Mark's dad tried to call me they didn't have any cell service. So the dad read the boys some Percy Jackson, and that was enough to get them through the night.

They did, however, call me at 6:45 this morning. I drove over to the site, and instead of picking him up I hung out till about 8:45. Boylee was very eager for cuddles, and then he showed me the highlights of the campsite (rope swing, firepit, bathroom). Around 8:45 he asked me to drive him to the morning camp location, instead of walking with the rest of the kids. So we cruised over there (took about 1 minute) and then we had a few more minutes for cozying before the rest of the campers arrived.

Overall: a success.

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