Monday, July 26, 2010

This Week's Camp Is...

Mr. X's Camp! (Okay, it' s not really Mr. X, but I don't want to put his real name.) Mr. X is the P.E. teacher at Boylee's school, and during the summer he runs a small, weekly camp.
This week's attendees are: Boylee; his former first grade colleagues Lukas, Eva and Liam; Mr. X's son who's going into 4th grade; and another 4th grader. Here is the weekly schedule:

Monday -- beach
Tuesday -- hike to a creek
Wednesday -- beach
Thursday -- up to the mountains for creek-playing, barbeque and sleep-over, all in one giant tent that Mr. X calls "the condo."
Friday -- mountain play and come home

Currently, Boylee believes that he is way, way too scared to participate in the overnight, despite the presence of his best pal, Liam. I am really, really hoping that changes.

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