Thursday, September 18, 2008


From the start of kindergarten, Boylee figured out that if it's lunchtime and you say you don't have any food left in your lunchbox, the kind ladies at the cafeteria will give you stuff to eat for free.  

Before I go on, let me just say that it's one nice thing about LAUSD -- they seem very concerned about whether or not students are eating enough, because so many come from low income families.  They make a big show out of giving every parent an application for the reduced-cost meal program, whether you want it or not -- so no one has to feel ashamed by asking for it -- and they make sure that the tickets the kids use to buy food are all the same, so no one can tell by looking at a kid's ticket whether or not they're receiving a free lunch.  And even if you're paying the full fare, it's ridiculously cheap: 40c for breakfast and $1 for lunch. 

I'm not defending the cafeteria food, but it's obviously improved since I was in school. I would never actually eat any of that shit, but that's another story. The kids seem to love it, especially the chocolate milk.  And I have noticed that many kids eat breakfast at the cafeteria, and it seems as if most kids also have cafe food for lunch.  

Boylee has been very interested in the cafeteria food, and we decided he could have it once a week, so we've been discussing the menu each week so he can pick the day that appeals most. So far it seems as if pepperoni pizza and spaghetti & meatballs are the favorites. (I shudder to think about the content of that pepperoni and meatballs -- non-organic doesn't even begin to describe it, I bet.)

Anyway, all of the kids eat together in the cafeteria, even when they're just dining from their own lunch boxes, and that is how the innocent little Boylee stumbled upon his scheme. And apparently he's been working his scam several days a week without my knowledge.  

Well, today I received the bill.  Seems that those sympathetic lunch ladies are only sympathetic so far, and they've counted up his meals and dunned me for the total.  Boylee's teacher is the one who let me know -- and she sort of gently inquired about whether or not I've been sending enough food for him.  I know that I have -- it's been one of my most obsessed-over issues -- and he's always come home with leftovers.  He's just eaten the cookie, and whatever else appealed, then turned his big blue eyes on the lunch ladies to get the chocolate milk and the other treats.  

So tomorrow morning I have to settle up with the ladies.  And maybe I should pin a note on the boy's shirt: Please do not feed the Boylee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, he comes by it honestly. At Miss Anderson's School (K), where a hot lunch was served, his aunt Laura discovered that she didn't have to eat a food if she said she was allergic to it. And I only found out about that when the teacher commiserated with me...what a shame that Laura was allergic to so many foods. Busted!