Monday, September 8, 2008


Today was the big day for homework, and as the kids exited the classroom the teacher could be heard reminding them to both do the homework and bring it back tomorrow.  

The good -- it was quite easy, in terms of Boylee's intellectual level.  Mostly it involved tracing some lines on paper -- quite clearly a pre-writing exercise, and Boylee can write all the capital letters already.

The bad -- it involved one of Boylee's least-favorite pastimes:  coloring.  I don't know what it is about that kid, but he has never, ever liked coloring.  Even when we've had superhero coloring books, he's just not interested. And while he likes to draw and paint and do all sorts of other art, the act of coloring in a black & white drawing has never held much appeal for him. So he got a worksheet today that asked him to look at some pictures and use a red crayon to color in anything that is red in real life.  The fire engine...the heart...etc.  It took him about a quarter of a second to determine what should be colored.  Then it took him ten miserable minutes to execute the coloring.  

The ugly -- and then there was another  item to be colored -- a picture of a train with animals on it.  He just made that one all red, too, because apparently coloring is such a pain in the ass that changing crayons just makes it that much worse.

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